Syncrony offers BoardCloud Board Portal for better board meeting governance

Leading software development specialist Syncrony Digital has rolled out an all-new version of its BoardCloud Board Meeting Management software.

The new board portal app is a complete rewrite of the old board pack system, which has been in use since 2016. Board meeting governance functions, with tighter management of virtual board meetings and the enhanced security are a major focus  of the new release. Enhanced distribution, revisioning and tracking of meeting engagement have also been added.

From a company secretary’s perspective, the BoardCloud board portal has new drag-and-drop agenda builder, that seamlessly ingests Microsoft Office documents, images and PDFs. It can also populate a complete agenda template by reading in a structured ZIP archive. New attendance recording, voting and revision management, are also part of the expanded feature list.

Board and committee members are treated to a new integrated board pack reader, which makes reading and annotating of board packs intuitive even for non-technical members

“We learned some lessons from our previous efforts to roll-out IOS and Android reader apps for board members,’ says Dr Howard Rybko CEO. ‘Often adoption by boards is delayed because IT has to buy new notepads for the board pack reader app to be loaded on. This becomes a logistical nightmare, fraught with procurement, app loading and device distribution issues.”

Instead, a responsive reader was developed, which loads on any device after proper user authentication. This allows board packs to be read on existing devices already in service for individual members. Also, the resulting cost and frustration reductions are welcomed by IT departments, who are presently drowning in post-COVID remote-use system issues.

“In today’s work-from-home environment, BoardCloud is the perfect tool to enforce board meeting governance,” says Rybko. “We have crafted systems that produce almost-automatic compliance with attendance, vote tracking and document revision management requirements.”

Free 1-Month Trial

“We are super proud of the SAAS multi-tenant platform we have built to house apps like BoardCloud. Our new SAAS system allows us to offer a fully functional, free one-month trial for any company or non-profit. This means that any organisation or business can benefit from the technology, as long as it has a board.

We also offer a cloud-hosted or on-premise version for larger organisations.”

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BoardCloud UK Editor

United Kingdom BoardCloud Editor.