BoardCloud Features Update November-December 2021

Latest BoardCloud Version sees Big Changes

The latest BoardCloud was released yesterday. We call it the Blue Edition, because of the new blue interface, which is the most noticeable outward change. But as you will soon find out, there are some major changes under the hood.

Active Agenda a Big Leap

Our new active meeting surface is a technological marvel. It likely represents a major advance in board meeting collaboration. This new technology will effectively signal the beginning of the end of PDF based board packs.

Our new Active Agenda tech links all attendees' view of a published agenda.  Any agenda changes are shared and updated in real-time.

Some Benefits of Active Agenda

Last Minute Agenda Changes?

No problem. Agenda changes are visible to all members in real-time. A new document or new agenda item can even be added during a meeting and the active agenda surface update to ensure changes are visible to all members, as they happen.

Agenda Notes

The ability to add a freeform note pad to any agenda item, coupled with Active Agenda surface functionality, is a meeting governance and collaboration game-changer. An agenda note added by any meeting attendee is visible in real-time to all meeting attendees. Notes allow for for text entered as discussion points to be recorded against a specific agenda item.. This will add to meeting governance and recordal of in-meeting activity.

Publish Agenda in Realtime

A meeting agenda in progress is unpublished and not visible to meeting invitees by default. As soon as a meeting is published, it becomes visible to all invited members. This also works in reverse and if necessary, a meeting can be unpublished by the company secretary, at any time, which the agenda will disappear from member view in real-time.

Open a Vote

Members who are selected to vote on a specific motion are alerted in real-time as the meeting admin or convener opens or closes a vote.

Other Major Improvements

Required Document Signatures

Documents for signing can be linked to individual meeting attendees and will present to each attendee as a document required for signature.

Guest Attendees

A meeting guest can be invited by agenda section. An invited guest can who has been verified, will then have access to view just the agenda section, he or she has been invited to.

Minutes Publishing

Meeting minutes can now be be published as a separate document or as the tail-end of the meeting pack and cam then be distributed to attendees as required.

Smaller Adjustments

  • Slimline Left Navigation - the left navigation bar presents as a thin icon bar by default to increase working space and to reduce clutter.
  • New 'Blue' Interface - the entire agenda interface has been upgraded to produce a fresh look. Muted blue colours are used for agenda tab dividers and

Enjoy of Blue Edition! 

And please send feedback if you have any kudos or complaints.

About the author

BoardCloud UK Editor

United Kingdom BoardCloud Editor.