Board Portal for IT Staff
Built-With Core
BoardCloud 2.0 was built new from the ground up.
Using .NET CORE as a base, we built the new app on the 5+ years of experience gained from the first BoardCloud version.
The upgrade to CORE meant our users would benefit from a more secure and more integrated system. CORE is the leading-edge, open-source framework from Microsoft. It is a cross-platform system that covers the Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.

The new version runs on the following base infrastructure:
- Microsoft Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (or above)
- Windows IIS 10.x
It is designed to run as either a stand-alone or as a multi-tenant application in a cloud environment.
Page Experience
User interactions when using the system have been designed to be as intuitive and consistent as possible. We have chosen to use web technology as a base for all functionality, except for specific requirements in the IOS and Android space.
To this end we have developed a product that can:
- be used by admin, secretarial and board members alike
- render and operate in the same way from any modern device
- be quickly learned; it has two main navigation links
- be secure as possible
Board Portal Security
We have a long history of developing systems that hold high value data and that need to be secured on the public internet.
All documents loaded onto or read off the system are AES encrypted.
To read more about general board document security:
Can IT Staff Gain Access To Content?
No. We are aware that breaches in security can also be made by IT staff who have total access to the system and its files.
What if all board documents were somehow visible to system administrators? It is not impossible that an IT technician could browse the file system, looking for some sensitive documents.
In the BoardCloud case, this is not possible.
The image below shows a snapshot of the folder structure of a BoardCloud user:
Note the following items are encoded and unreadable:
- User names
- Folder names
- Document name
- Document contents